Nordics, Europe
The un-conference for UX enthusiasts,
students & professionals.
Keep me up-to-date on everything UXCamp Nordic
What is UXCamp?
An un-conference where UX professionals and enthusiasts can teach each other in an open, fun environment. Anyone who has something to say / demo / teach can pitch to the crowd. If the crowd approves, the pitcher gets a session and a time slot to host a session in.
At UXCAMP, there are no spectators. If you’re not presenting, you’re participating and learning actively. You participate by joining the hands-on workshops and discussions, entertaining the crowd, writing blog posts, sharing experiences on social media or demoing something cool.
What to Expect
200+ people sharing knowledge about design, design systems, UX, product design, UI design, strategy, and just about anything else.
Check out the 2018 event below or the websites of past UXCamps in Berlin, Amsterdam, Hamburg and the rest of Europe. Here’s a few of the best:
31.5: PreEvent
16:00 Doors open
16:30 Adobe XD Welcome
16:45 WS by Claire lise Bengué
20:30 Prizes & Networking
1.6: Day 1
08:30 Doors open
09:30 Welcome to UXCamp
09:45 Keynote: Anne Stenros
10:15 Pitches & Session Planning
11:15 Lunch
12:15 Sessions
17:15 Day 1 Wrap-up
18:00 Gofore Afterparty
2.6: Day 2
09:30 Doors Open
10:00 Keynote: Virpi Roto
11:00 Pitches & Session Planning
11:45 Lunch
12:45 Sessions
17:15 Keynote: Andre Jay Meissner
with Inspiring Keynotes

Anne Stenros
Former Chief Design Officer
City of Helsinki
Virpi Roto
Professor of Practice in Experience Design
Aalto University
Andre Jay Meissner
Adobe XD
Adobe Systemsand Great Sessions
Session recordings and reports coming soon! In the meantime visit our facebook page to view the recorded livestreams.

Stay Updated with all things UXCamp
Get Involved
UXCamp is built with <3 by volunteers.
Help is always appreciated.
Host a Session
Support the Event
Food, venue drinks, t-shirts, badges etc. for 200+ people ain’t cheap. If you can help with this, contact us at sponsor@uxcampnordic.com
Demo Something Cool
Tell Us What’s Missing
What would you like to see at UXCamp? What speakers would you love? Send us a message.
P.S. If you connect us to people directly that helps most.

Who Can Come?
Designers. Developers. Tinkerers. Entrepreneurs.
And Just About Anyone Else

Practical Info
How to get the most out of UXCamp
What to expect at UXCamp
- No spectators, just participants.
- When you come, be prepared to share your knowledge with other attendees.
- When you leave, tidy up after yourselves and be prepared to share your post-camp experience with the world
- All presentations are scheduled the day they happen. Prepare in advance, but come early to get a slot on the wall. The people present at the event will select the demos or presentations they want to see.
Presenters are responsible for making sure that notes/slides/audio/video of their presentations are published on the web for the benefit of all and those who can’t be present.
Rules of UXCamp
- Absolutely DO talk about UXCamp.
- No spectators, only participants. Attendees must give a demo, a session, or help with one, or otherwise volunteer / contribute in some way to support the event.
- If you want to present, write your topic and name in a presentation slot.
- Time slots can be used as presenter wants till the next slot
- You attract your own crowd. Attendees vote for what they want to see/do.
- If you have something to present (you do), you should present
- Don’t be annoying. Don’t ‘’network’’. Just share, learn and meet interesting people.
- Ask questions. Talk. Speak Up.
What do I need for UXCamp?
If you have something to Demo or teach, remember to plan ahead how to pitch it to an audience. Also plan out the materials etc you’ll need. We’re happy to help you plan sessions, polish your materials and point out things you’ll need if you tell us ahead of time.
If you’re here to learn, bring stuff to take notes/sketch with and be active. Ask questions, challenge the presenter and interact with the other participants.
When can I sign up?
To participate in UXCamp Hel 2018 you’ll need to buy a ticket via an Eventbrite (other ticket provider) link when tickets are released on (date to be announced) you can sign up here to receive an email for when the tickets begin to go on sale.
We will open signup once we confirm exactly how many people will be able to attend. Please sign up to be the first to be notified.
Get in touch
Please remember to fill in your email address.